E-Com, Internet & Online
Businesses For Sale

66 Available

Looking for online businesses to buy. Great, let's find your perfect match

Ecommerce has never been bigger with almost all Brits now shopping online in one way or another. Over 30% of retail sales now take place online in the UK. For some industries that figure is even higher and with demand growing so quickly there is plenty of demand that still needs to be supplied. Arguably, it’s also a lot simpler to manage an online business, rather than a physical one, with some of our customers saying they turn a huge profit whilst only working 10 hours a week.

So, whether you want to help people find the perfect pet or you’re providing access to the latest in yoga mat technology - you're in the right place to find a business to buy. You can take a look at all of the online and ecommerce businesses we have available below

If you're still undecided on the right business for you, we've got some really great resources you can have a read of. Why not take a look?

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