Relocatable Manufacturing Business for Sale

REF: BIZ4435

Asking Price:
Annual Turnover:
Annual Net Profit:
REF: BIZ4435


  • Excellent Reputation
  • Friendly & Professional Team
  • Very Loyal Customer Base
  • Huge Growth Potential
  • Secure Contracts

This well-regarded and relocatable Manufacturing business has now come to the open market. Since its establishment in 2017, the business has acquired a great reputation amongst its customers, known for its quality service and friendly staff. Both its location and reputation provide a strong foundation for the business to be expanded by its future owner.

As this business is relocatable, a buyer can move the company to wherever they wish to do so, thus giving them complete flexibility over how and where they conduct business operations. As well as giving the buyer the freedom to work from wherever they desire, the remote nature of the company also significantly reduces overhead costs.

This business would also be a fantastic bolt-on acquisition for a business already operating within a similar or complementary space. The business would significantly benefit from developing its social media channels and implementing a paid advertising scheme to increase awareness of the brand.


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